Electrical Intersection Unicode Character

I am a Bitcoin and Lightning contributor mostly spending time on LDK and sometimes Bitcoin Core. Obtained a BSc Physics at the University of Pretoria, did some freelancing, and quit my day job at Luno (April 2019 - February 2022). Previously faculty at Qala (2022-2023). Working under my private entity, ne⏧ed. Fan of Rust, NixOS, and WebAssembly.

Links & resources

Social profiles

Some current interests & future things I'd like to do

  • 📡 Working towards an Amateur Radio License
  • 🌌 Amateur Radio Astronomy
  • 📮 Creating a somewhat unreliable and mostly harmless ISP for ne⏧ed


🔑 9484 44FC E03B 05BA 5AB0

Mostly harmless