🦀 Rust resources
- The Rust Programming Language (The Book)
- Rust for Rustaceans
- Rust Atomics and Locks
- Awesome Rust List
- Official Rust Books
- Unofficial Rust books
- practice.rs
- Effective Rust
- Rust Design Patterns
- Exercism - Rust Track
- Memory container cheatsheet
- Google’s Comprehensive Rust
- cheats.rs
- Building a simple DB in Rust
- Crafting a Lox interpreter in Rust
- Experiment: Improving The Rust Book
- Futures Explained in 200 Lines of Rust
- OneTutorial - A practical journey into the Rust Programming Language
- Zero to Production in Rust
Interesting articles
- Rust’s Ugly Syntax
- Generics and Compile-Time in Rust
- Exploring Dynamic Dispatch in Rust
- The Waker API I: what does a waker do?
- The bottom emoji breaks rust-analyzer
- Rust vs. Haskell